Thursday, September 07, 2006

bad breath relief : A Few Words on Bad Breath

Did it ever cross your mind that your breath might be as stinky as the breath of the person that you met yesterday morning in the bus - while you where heading to your office? He probably didn’t know that he was the reason why you changed seat; if something similar had happened to you, would you recognize that the real reason was your awful breath? Well, it turns out that sometimes we need to learn from the daily lessons that others give us; bad breath is a very good example.

So, let’s talk a little bit about bad breath. What is it? Where does it really come from? Can you do something about it? Answers to questions like the previous ones and many other will be given in the following article.

First things first: Where does bad breath really come from? Some of us believe that it is because we have a bad stomach. Others think that it is because they haven’t eaten something all day long. Well, those can be potential reasons to have a stinky breath but the real reason behind bad breath are those nasty, little monsters inside our mouth, the bacteria!

It is an absolute truth that by the moment you are reading this, there might be millions of bacteria living inside your mouth. Do they all cause a bad breath? Definitely No! Then, what can one do in order to eliminate bad breath? Well, there are a few things you can try; here is a list.

Remember to always brush your teeth after a meal. If what I’m asking is too much for you, try to at least wash your mouth before you go to sleep and after you have woken up.

When brushing your teeth, don’t forget to also clear the back of your tongue. Your tongue can carry a really disgusting odor if you don’t treat it well.

Try to drink more water; it helps both your mouth and your organism.

Practice chewing a sugarless chew gum.

If the above don’t help, you can buy special mouthwashes dedicated to solving this problem. You will easily find them in any pharmacy or supermarket.

If none of the above helps, you should definitely visit your doctor. If a tooth is hurting you, you should visit your dentist. This will not only relief you from the pain but you might also discover that the reason of your bad breath was a bad tooth!

by John Gibb


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