Wednesday, October 04, 2006

bad breath result of poor dental hygiene.

Most bad breath problems begin in the mouth, and are a result of poor dental hygiene. Brushing the teeth, gums, and tongue is recommended after every meal, to prevent the buildup of bacteria which feed on decaying food particles. Brushing dentures with ordinary toothpaste can result in discoloration and scratches on the surface. It is therefore essential to clean them with either soap or lukewarm water.

We have all probably experienced bad breath caused by eating certain foods. We eat a meal and then suffer with embarrassing bad breath later. The culprits are sulfur compounds found in certain foods like garlic and cabbage. These sulfur compounds cause breathe to smell bad.

Chronic bad breath is constant long standing bad breath. Although a little harder to treat, it can be treated nevertheless. The problem starts with bacteria. Avoid too much meat and protein, as the protein is fuel for the bacteria which cause bad breath.

Prevention of bad breath, avoid particular smelly foods, such as garlic and onions. When these get to the stomach, the smell transfers to the bloodstream, and the air you breath out picks up the smell from the lungs.
You can use a mouthwash for temporary relief of the bad breath smell. Be aware, however, that many mouthwashes have alcohol content, which is detrimental.


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