Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Specially designed toothbrush for bad breath

Breath mints and chewing gum are the common agents to fight and relief bad breath but this agents is a short time relief of bad breath. Today many company comes out with some specially designed toothbrush and toothpaste to fight bad breath.

The toothbrush is specially designed to cleaned most parts of our mouth including the tongue cleaners and is said to remove more oral bacteria from our mouth. With this toothbrush our tongue, gums and inner cheeks bacteria thats leave a trail of foul smelling, greylish white plaque on the surface will be easily removed. If not removed this bacteria will cause bad breath and eventually leads to teeth decays and gums problems. Italso has specially designed Inter dental bristles, acleaning tip and dentist like polishing cups that help remove more plaque and debris for healthier mouth.



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