Friday, October 10, 2008

Ways to get rid of bad breath.

Most people do not know they have bad breath until someone always very close to them,tell them they have bad breath and if you know you had bad breath the first things that you wanted to do is get rid of it. They are many ways to get rid of bad breath. Bad breath are cause by the food you take daily and its cause by bacteria in your mouth.

The best ways is to see your dentist who can recommends the right remedy to get rid of bad breath. Others are to wash your mouth once you wake up from bed and going to bed. Remember to brush your tongue as bacteria likes to stay under and on tops of the tongue. After each meals also wash your mouth with water to get rid of the food you take its time. Try to floss your mouth once a day to get rid of the food bacteria in your mouth and tongue. Reduce the intake of food that cause bad breath.

Drinks plenty of water
as water produce more saliva in our mouth which can get kill bacteria in our mouth that cause bad breath. For temporary relief enjoy a sugar free mints gums.


Monday, June 23, 2008

Bad breath can be very embarrassing problem for people

Bad breath can be very embarrassing problem for people who has bad breath. People with bad breath mostly do not know they have bad breath until somebody tells him or people try to stay distance away from him or people closing their nose when talking to him. Bad breath is not sometimes the food you eat everyday, it is the sulfur compounds that stay in your mouth and this bacteria always like to stay at the back of the throat. If continues care it taken to get rids of bad breath by using tips and medicine and proper care and still lives in your mouth, it is best to see a mouth, nose and ear doctor.

Most of the time bad breath are cause of the food we eat especially garlic and onions which produce a kinds of smell that cause bad breath. Most smokers do not know that smoking can cause bad breath due to the facts that smoking dried our mouth thus decreasing saliva in our mouth. Too much alcohol are another reasons to bad breath as it dried our month thus decrease the saliva in our mouth.

Drinks plenty of water each day, a solution to get rid of bad breath. More saliva in our mouth will get rid of the sulfur compounds and kill the bacteria in the mouth and prevent bad breath. Wash your mouth every times whenever you had your food. Avoid foods and drinks that can cause bad breath. Lower sugar intake as it is one of the culprit to bad breath and also a cause to diabetes. If you had bad breath check with any drug stores for medicine and advised to get rid of bad breath.


Friday, April 18, 2008

To relief bad breath wash your mouth after its meals

Bad breath is most cause by the food we eat especially foods such as garlic and onions which contain a kinds of pungent oils that cause breath breath if not wash after taking it. Another culprit is smoking as smoking dried our mouth and decreased the saliva in our mouth that cause an unpleasant odor.

Peoples who is wearing dentures and if not properly cleaned will cause bad breath. It is best to take out your dentures and brush it every night you go to bed and in the morning. Wash your mouth with water for a few times after its meals. It its not well cleaned our dentures will be collecting bacteria because of the food particles that stays under our dentures that cause bad breath.

The best treatment of bad breath is to drinks plenty of water as water cause our mouth to get wet and forms more saliva inside our mouth that prevent bad breath. Wash your mouth after its meal and especially going to beds.


Friday, February 22, 2008

Water is the best medicine to bad breath.

Bad breath can be a embarrassing problem and its cause due to the food we eat that produce bacteria that stays in the back of our throat and its produce a kinds sulfur compounds that gives bad smells. Most people who had bad breath do not know it until its was tell by the person or friends.

To get rids of bad breath is to drinks a lot of water as water produce saliva in our mouth thats kills bacteria. Wash your mouth every each meals. Check with your dentist if you had bad tooth. Avoids foods that smells. In conclusion water is the best medicine to bad breath.


Monday, October 29, 2007

Bad breath and body odour keeps the girl away

Body odour is somethings that keeps your friends and girls away, bad breath is also a parts to it, it can kills your social life and also makes your friends to stay some distant away from you. Apparently, those suffering from body odour and bad breath are usually the last to know that they stink or smell foul from the mouth.

To avoid bad breath one has to avoid smelling food, drinks alots of water and wash your mouth every times after a meals. Brush your teeth and your mouth before you went to bed and wake up in the morning. Bad breath is food that stay in our mouth for to long and later release the smell of sulfur compounds. Heavy smokers are one of the main cause of bad breath as it decrease the production of saliva in our mouth.


Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Ways to overcome bad breath

Getting rid of bad breath it is probably everyone main concerns. Most bad breath are cause by our unheathly living like smoking, drinking alcohol and unheathly lifestyle of eating. AS smoking and drinking cause our saliva production in our mounth to decrease that lives more room for the bacterial to growth inside our mouth and cause bad breath. Eating diet such as garlic, onion, cabbage also are one of the cause that cause bad breath. Taking food that is lack of carbohydrates in the diet causes the body to burn fat and produce ketones, which have an unpleasant odor when exhaled in the breath.

There are several ways to overcome bad breath is to wash your mouth everymeals you take, brushing your teeth regular, the most important to brush it at least twice a day, every morning you wake up and every night went you are go to bed. Take care of your teeth and mouth, a decay tooth cause bad breath, flossing and professional checkups will keep the mouth healthy and discourage the unhealthy proliferation of oral bacteria.


Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Specially designed toothbrush for bad breath

Breath mints and chewing gum are the common agents to fight and relief bad breath but this agents is a short time relief of bad breath. Today many company comes out with some specially designed toothbrush and toothpaste to fight bad breath.

The toothbrush is specially designed to cleaned most parts of our mouth including the tongue cleaners and is said to remove more oral bacteria from our mouth. With this toothbrush our tongue, gums and inner cheeks bacteria thats leave a trail of foul smelling, greylish white plaque on the surface will be easily removed. If not removed this bacteria will cause bad breath and eventually leads to teeth decays and gums problems. Italso has specially designed Inter dental bristles, acleaning tip and dentist like polishing cups that help remove more plaque and debris for healthier mouth.
